The legendary pre-flood civilizations like Atlantis, Thule, and Hyperborea were said to have been built on highly advanced science and technology, with a possibly direct connection with what is happening now around the world.
Sir Francis Bacon, a key leader in the Rosicrucians which later became known as the Illuminati, planned for America to become the “New Atlantis” and the center of the New World Order about a hundred years before America became a nation. To better understand the occult connections between antediluvian civilizations, such as Atlantis or Thule, and modern times, it becomes necessary to review the accounts of those who supposedly established these civilizations.
Sir Francis Bacon, a key leader in the Rosicrucians which later became known as the Illuminati, planned for America to become the “New Atlantis” and the center of the New World Order about a hundred years before America became a nation. To better understand the occult connections between antediluvian civilizations, such as Atlantis or Thule, and modern times, it becomes necessary to review the accounts of those who supposedly established these civilizations.
In the pre-Flood world of Noah, it is written that there was interspecies breeding going on between the “sons of God,” or the B’nai Elohim and mortal human women. The ancient rabbinic scholars believed that the term “sons of God” specifically referred to fallen angels and this was in fact the teaching of the early church for several hundred years.

There are numerous other universal mythologies of pre-Flood civilizations that speak of these god men coming from the stars and seeding the human race.
In addition, traditional theories of evolution are starting to be replaced by a "new" understanding that the humanity on Earth was likely seeded by beings from other worlds.
Anomalies which may indicate highly advanced pre-Flood civilizations include the monolithic monuments that survived the Flood which ended the Pleistocene era, as well as massive architectural wonders such as the pyramids, Sphinx and the Incan and Mayan monuments. Many of these structures could only have been built with math and coordination belonging to a high civilization, and technology that is superior to that which was said to be available.

Scalar Technology is based on the theory that there is a fourth dimension where powerful energies for destruction or healing on a planetary level can be transferred into our three dimensional reality and change that reality.
The Nazi concept of a Vril force is based on the idea that a race of god men came from the stars in ships powered by this force and settled on the legendary island of Thule where they founded the civilization called Hyperborea.
Plato believed in the Egyptian legend of Atlantis and Herodotus spoke of the another Egyptian legend of the continent of Hyperborea in the far north. When an ice age supposedly destroyed Hyperborea, this race of god men migrated south and it may be they who created the empire of Atlantis in the Atlantic.
The secret occult societies that put Hitler into power were extremely interested in Antarctica beginning in the 1930s. The Vril and Thule societies diligently researched the ancient Tibetan, Indian, and Greek historic texts concerning pre-history. They were conducting the type of archeology that the Indiana Jones movies were based on.
Documenting the cultural, linguistic, and genetic similarities of these legends with the Nordic legends of blonde haired blue eyed "gods", the occult societies that influenced NAZI ideology came to their conclusion that the Earth undergoes periodic global cataclysms, and that vast portions of the inner Earth is hollow and has been inhabited within for many millennia by another unknown branch of humanity.
Documenting the cultural, linguistic, and genetic similarities of these legends with the Nordic legends of blonde haired blue eyed "gods", the occult societies that influenced NAZI ideology came to their conclusion that the Earth undergoes periodic global cataclysms, and that vast portions of the inner Earth is hollow and has been inhabited within for many millennia by another unknown branch of humanity.
Ultima Thule is supposed to have been the name of the capital city of the continent of Hyperborea, which was older than Atlantis. According to occult teachings, the Hyperboreans were the most highly technologically and socially advanced society that existed in the pre-Flood age.

According to some legends they named their new kingdom Agharta or Agharti and its capital city was Shamballah, which was the mythical paradise below the surface of the Earth.
There are many scientists and researchers who believe that the founders of Hyberborea, Atlantis, Thule and other ancient civilizations were beings from other planets.
There are also a growing number of Biblical scholars who believe that these 'aliens' did not come from other planets, but other dimensions, and that they were actually the fallen angels who mated with human women who produced the Nephilim. The Nazis believed that the Nordic-looking "gods" who came from the stars were a genetically distinct race from another world, had RH negative blood type, and did not "evolve" from apes in Africa.

The German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) wrote of the Übermensch (Superman) in his work, Der Antichrist. Nietzsche wrote “Let us see ourselves for what we are. We are Hyperboreans. We know well enough how we are living off that track.”
When Nietzsche published “The Will to Power” he was speaking of the Vril force and spoke of “the herd,” meaning the ordinary people who live by laws imposed by the corrupt State. In contrast Nietzsche spoke of the supermen who tap into a supernatural divine force that raises them above the ordinary man.
ReplyDeleteYour work is amazing, thanks for sharing. I spend hours reading each of your publications.
Genesis 4 thru 6 The sons of God seen the daughters of man.In Latin Genesis Means The Origins of Man.
ReplyDeleteI do so agree that pre-flood civilizations seem more and more to confirm biblical texts and other "mythical" writings!
DeleteReason why digging underground is illegal especially in your yard because no one owns a home unless you sold your soul to the illuminati
ReplyDeleteThe information on pre-flood civilizations is both enriching and mystifying. In most public discussions it is left out perhaps due to the fact that it corroborates much of the bible and other text.
ReplyDeleteFascinating stuff. The Vril energy sounds a lot like the Kundalini, Ki, Chi etc.. Is it thought that these words all refer to the same phenomenon?