Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Caracol, Maya site in Belize

Caracol is not only the largest Maya site in Belize, it also figured prominently in the great Tikal-Calakmul rivalry of the Classic period.  These three great cities came to prominence at around the same time in the Early Classic.

Tikal came to dominate the lowland region soon after an apparent takeover by forces from Teotihuacán in the Valley of Mexico in 378 CE, while Calakmul appears to have been built by the same dynasty that ruled El Mirador; the great Preclassic site that was abandoned by 150 CE. 
The two fought each other throughout the Classic with one and then the other experiencing periods of ascendancy.  Caracol, which had formerly been Tikal’s ally, switched sides in 556 CE.  Six years later Tikal fell to the Calakmul Alliance, which then maintained its position as the dominant power in the lowland region for over a hundred years.

The main pyramid at Caracol is called Caana or “Sky Palace.” At 136 feet high it is the tallest Mayan building in Belize and the tallest man-made structure in the country.

Caana contains four palaces and three temples. The palace rooms were originally coated with white stucco and decorated with red paint.

More than 100 tombs have also been found, as well as a rich array of hieroglyphic inscriptions.

Many hieroglyphic texts have been found on alters, ball-court-markers, capstones and wall facades. The discovery of an elaborately carved ball-court-marker dating back to the end of the early Classic Period has been interpreted as Caracol claiming a military victory over Tikal, located more then 60 miles away in Guatemala.


Monday, April 28, 2014

Atlantis and the Cro Magnon Invasion of Europe - ROBERT SEPEHR

About 35,000 years ago, well after the appearance of "anatomically correct" man, a taller, sea-faring, race suddenly "invades" the western shores of Europe and North Africa. This innovative, large-brained invader is dubbed Cro-Magnon.

About 17,000 years later the Aurignacian culture is replaced by another smaller "invasion" (circa. 18,000 B.C.) known as the Solutrean, then 16,000 years ago the Magdalenian "invasion" occurs, These "invasions" are all associated with Cro-Magnon Man.

Finally the Azilian "invasion" occurs very close to the magic date of 10,000, ending forever the Upper Paleolithic Age.

An anthropological fact usually ignored is that there are notable differences in types of paleolithic man. The terms Cro-Magnon and Modern Man are used as if they were synonymous, whereas strictly speaking they are not. All Cro-Magnons are Modern, but all Moderns are not Cro-Magnon.

Cro-Magnon's distribution is limited to western portions of Europe and North Africa, as well as a number of Atlantic islands. Even some limited portions of South America have a type called Cro-Magnoid (meaning possessing some Cro-Magnon characteristics).

The Upper Paleolithic Age covers the period from circa. 38,000-10,000 B.C. During this period two main physical types of Modern Man flourished throughout Europe, Asia and Africa--the eastern and western.

The "western" is known as Cro-Magnon, but the "eastern" are known by various other names, such as Brunn Man, or Combe Capelle (wherever the remains were first found).

These eastern types are generally shorter, more gracile, and rather smaller-brained than Cro-Magnon. The latter does not imply any particular degree of intelligence, but is merely stated as a defining characteristic.

Average stature of the Combe Capelle Man was about five feet four inches, whereas Cro-Magnon Man averages over 6 foot.

The tool assemblage associated with Combe Capelle is known as the Perigordian, and is merely a continuation of the earlier Neanderthal's toolkit (the Mousterian), whereas the various Cro-Magnon tool assemblages are definitely not.

The beautiful cave paintings found throughout the Pyrenees and Cantabrian mountains which have become world famous are the work of Cro-Magnon. The art impulse of the "eastern" branch of Upper Paleolithic mankind seems to be characterized by the small, carved female "fertility" images.

Cro-Magnon villages consisted of houses (we don't know what they were made of: all we have is the post hole patterns). They had spear throwers, harpoons, bows and arrows, arrow straighteners, obsidian razors, needles, musical instruments, even bone calendars (carved with symbolic notations bordering on writing;).

A number of sites dating back as far as 15,000 B.C show evidence of the practice of agriculture. Archeologists, not knowing how to account for such a circumstance, have labeled these activities as "a false dawn".

During the Period (15,000-10,000 B.C.) the innovations in technology came so fast that archeologists had to divide it up into Magdalenian I-VI.

Significantly, the final "invasion," the Azilian, occurred approximately 10,000 B.C., close to the date when Plato says Atlantis sank.

Although occurring in time at the beginning of the Mesolithic, the Azilian is Upper Paleolithic in character. All other European tool industries are Mesolithic in character at this time. Four Cro-Magnon invasions have been noticed in North Africa during this same time period, although more work involving dating needs to be done there.

They are known as the Aterian, Ibero-Maurusian, Mouillian and the Capsian (Bordes, 1968; Clark, 1977, et al.). Dr. Bruce Howe (1967) of Harvard University states:

"The bulk of the datable Aterian appears to be earlier than any European Solutrean. The earliest Aterian is so far undated."

In conclusion, we have four Cro-Magnon invasions (each more advanced than the last) happening over a period of just under 25,000 years--the Aurignacian, Solutrean, Magdalenian and Azilian--the last one occurring just when Atlantis was said to have subsided, and since that magic date, no more Cro-Magnon invasions. So were the Cro-Magnon’s Atlanteans?

DNA Research Supports Cayce's Atlantean History


DNA analysis on Native Americans began in the 1980s, but with rapid technological improvements, research intensified greatly in recent times. Although results from early studies showed the expected Siberian-Asia ancestry of the majority of modern Native American tribes, things took an unexpected turn in 1997.

At that point it was found that a percentage of modern Native Americans have an unusual type of DNA then known to exist only in a few locations in Europe and the Middle East. Subsequent research indicated that the European DNA was not the result of genetic mixing after Columbus. In addition, the same DNA was later found in the bone of an ancient American burial confirming that people carrying this unique DNA had entered America in ancient times.

The first research on living Native American tribes showed they were comprised of four distinct mtDNA haplogroups called A, B, C, and D.  This means that the Native Americans are derived from four different lineages.

Based on the mutations found in the mtDNA, most researchers think that groups A, C, and D entered America from Siberia across Beringia.

Group B, they assert, probably came to America from the South Pacific or Japan via boats. It is believed the B groups began this migration not long after the A, C, and D groups arrived.

In 1997, a fifth mtDNA haplogroup was identified in Native Americans. This group, called "X," is present in three percent of living Native Americans, Haplogroup X was not then found in Asia, but was found only in Europe and the Middle East, primarily in parts of Spain, Bulgaria, Finland, Italy, and Israel.

Archaeologists and geneticists are certain that the presence of "X" in America is not the result of historic intermarriages. It is of ancient origin. In addition, the "X" type has now been found in the ancient remains of the Basque.

Among Native American tribes, the X haplogroup has been found in small numbers in the Yakima, Sioux, and Navaho tribes. It has been found to a larger degree in the Ojibway, Oneota, and Nuu-Chah-Nulth tribes. The X haplogroup has also been discovered in ancient remains in Illinois near Ohio and a few other areas near the Great Lakes. It has not (so far) been found In South or Central American tribes including the (modern) Maya.

The X haplogroup appears to have entered America in limited numbers perhaps as long ago as 34,000 B.C. Around 12,000 B.C. to 10,000 B.C. it appeared in much greater numbers.

It is important to note that not all Native American tribes have been categorized by mtDNA analysis and that relatively few ancient remains have been tested.
The Americas were settled early and many different racial groups came. Several different waves of migration probably occurred. The Initial wave seems to have occurred around 35,000 BC, around the same time that Cro magnon types show up in Western Europe.

The X type in ancient America appears to be linked to the Iroquois. This tribe, of course, was, according to Cayce, partly the remnant of Atlantean survivors from its final destruction in 10,000 B.C.
The finding of the X group In the north Gobi-dwelling Altasians is hailed as proof that all American migrations came from Siberia via the Bering Straits, yet it seems unlikely.

With the X type being present in the Middle East, Europe, the ancient Basques, and America, a migration from the Gobi to all of these areas is doubtful.

The B haplogroup, found only in aboriginal groups in Southeast Asia, China, Japan, Melanesia, and Polynesia, may represent the people of Mu. Both Chinese and Japanese archaeologists take the idea of Mu seriously, and the B haplogroup findings closely match the story Cayce told about the continent. Most of the people of Mu who escaped the destruction in 50,000 B.C. escaped to China, India, and Japan.

Some time later, descendants of these peoples could have traveled to America. While Cayce said that some people from Mu entered the Americas, he did not indicate the time period when the majority of them came. We only know that it was after 50,000 B.C. and prior to 28,000 B.C.

Cayce Indicated that the largest migration from Atlantis occurred just before 10,000 BC, many of these Atlantean survivors went to the Northeastern coastal areas of America and Canada becoming the Iroquois. The Atlanteans migrating to the Americas merged with the people already present in America by that time.

The Atlanteans became leaders of the tribes and had serious disputes among themselves that were reflected in ongoing violent conflict. This is confirmed by the Iroquois' ancient history that tells of constant battles resulting in distant displacements of entire tribes to ensure their survival.

Perhaps the most astonishing confirmation of Cayce's story of ancient America is the presence of haplogroup X. What is known is that the X haplogroup first showed up in America perhaps 34,000 years ago, but its main entry occurred in 10,000 B.C. These dates match Cayce's timeframe for Atlantean migrations as well as the occurrence of X in the specific tribes predicted by his statements.

The X group also appears to have shown up in ancient Iberia and in the Basques about the same time as well as in the Gobi. These dates match Cayce's story of the final two destructions of Atlantis and the resulting migrations.

Mysterious Structures of the Gobi Desert

If you like puzzling over the meaning of the Nazca lines in southern Peru, crop circles in central England or poring over maps of Area 51, then you'll like this.
Digital mapping fans have been noticing some unusual forms by using Google Earth in China's vast stretches of barren wastes in the Gobi desert.
The bizarre shapes vary widely. Two of them are grids that look like street floor plans without buildings and are around 2 kilometers long by over a kilometer wide.
One of the other formations looks tantalizingly like Stonehenge from a great height.  Zooming in reveals three aircraft sitting at it's heart.  Some Japanese researchers believe it may be used to give China's spacecraft a frame of reference, possibly testing a quantum key distribution system between the spacecraft and satellite.
Could a ground-to-space system need some kind of elaborate ground sight?
Another theory is its some kind of military target for airstrike or gunnery practice. Possibly a target practice range for the People's Liberation Army.
While the majority of these unusual formations and grid-like patterns appear to have been constructed in recent times, there are numerous structures across the Gobi desert which are likely many thousands of years old, including massive pyramids.  These enormous Chinese pyramids are similar to the pyramids of Giza in size, alignment and orientation.
Some people have speculated that some of these structures being discovered are actually the visible surface remains of a lost civilization that retreated underground in ancient times.

According to Buddhist doctrine, Agharta is a subterranean paradise located deep within the crust of our Earth inhabited by millions of people. Entrances to this underground realm are said to exist in several parts of the world, and China is one of them.
Many peoples of various different ethnicities, cultures and religions, have strongly believed in races that inhabit a world within our world. Nazi Germany shared the conclusion that the 'lost' civilization of Atlantis was real, and lives on beneath the Earth's surface, including under Tibet.
At first sight, it might seem strange that the architects of the Third Reich would be interested in a region that many consider to be the spiritual center of the world; until, that is, we remember that, according to Thulean mythology, this center was once the Aryan homeland in the Arctic, and was displaced with the fall of Atlantis around 10,800 BC.
This dismissed theory becomes more interesting since the 1990's with the discovery of hundreds of tall, blond, 4,000 year old mummies adorned in swastikas in the Gobi desert over 40 years after the fall of Nazi Germany.
In March 1935 Cayce referred to a city buried under the sands of the Gobi and in 1936 he called this city the "City of Gold." He also stated that this city would probably be discovered in the future. One characteristic of the Gobi civilization was the implementation of a social structure apparently much like the Mississippian Era mound builders had. The rulers were held in high esteem and lived in temples. Cayce referred to terraced buildings and temples in the Gobi.

A group from the Gobi was identified as having DNA bearing the "X" Haplotype in 2001. This group may be related to the Atlantean Genetic type and the Basques. So is the story of Agharta nothing more than fable, or could there be truth behind the legends? Could an inhabited subterranean world really exist?

Sunday, April 27, 2014

How I Found the Lost Atlantis, The Source of All Civilization

by Dr. Paul Schliemann

Grandson of Dr. Heinrich Schliemann,
New York American, October 20, 1912
This article and the accompanying illustrations, produced from a photocopy provided by the New York Public Library, are republished for the first time in over ninety years.

Dr. Paul Schliemann, the distinguished grandson of the late Dr. Heinrich Schliemann, finder of ancient Troy and one of the world's greatest archaeologists, presents here one of the most remarkable and fascinating narratives of discovery every published.

http://atlanteangardens.blogspot.com/2014/04/the-legend-of-atlantis.htmlAtlantis is the legendary continent mentioned by the Greek philosopher Plato, who in one of his "conversations" told how the priests of the Egyptian Temple of Sais related to Solon, the great lawmaker the story of its destruction about 9,000 BC. Atlantis, according to this story, was the home of a great civilized race which had conquered and colonized the world. All civilization had come from it.

What is known as the Dolphin Ridge, an enormous submarine plateau, stretching between 25 and 50 degrees north latitude and 20 to 50 degrees west longitude, is supposed to be its sunken remnants. The Azorean islands are believed to be the top of its lofty mountains - all that now remains above water of the lost continent.

If Dr. Paul Schliemann can prove his points the greatest world mystery will have been untangled, the history of our race must be reconstructed and many enigmas will be answered finally.

It is a curious coincidence that at the time Dr. Schliemann is making known his discoveries an expedition is setting out from England to recover treasure from sunken cities in the Bay of Campeche, off Yucatan. These cities were located by Dr. Ernest Marjolies, after four years in Central America, and he also has evidence which he believes proves them to be part of a colony of Atlantis and sunk in the same convulsion which destroyed the mother country.
Dr. Paul Schliemann's story follows:

by Dr. Paul Schliemann

Some days before my grandfather, Dr. Heinrich Schliemann, the real discoverer of the great Mycenaean civilization whose history is preserved in the books of Homer, died in Naples in 1890, he left a sealed envelope in care of his closest friends. The envelope bore the following inscription: "This can be opened only by a member of my family who solemnly vows to devote his life to the researches outlined therein."

Just an hour before my grandfather died he asked for a piece of paper and asked for a pencil. He wrote with a trembling hand: "Confidential addition to the sealed envelope. Break the owl-headed vase. Pay attention to the contents. It concerns Atlantis. Investigate the east of the ruins of the temple of Sais and the cemetery in Chacuna Valley. Important. Night approaches - Lebewohl."

Ancient Owl-Headed Vase Which
Dr. Schliemann Found at Mycenae
He closed it in an envelope and directed the nurse to send it to the friend whom he had entrusted with the other package. This was done.

Although every one was curious as to what the mysterious packets contained, not one of the children or friends dared to break the seals. No one desired to devote his life to something he could know nothing about until too late to recede. The envelopes were deposited in one of the banks of France. After I had studied for some years in Russia, Germany and the Orient, I decided to take up the work of my illustrious grandfather. I decided that what he had felt so important that he had so safeguarded it must be important enough to devote one's life to. In 1906 I took the vow and broke the seals. Within were a number of documents and photographs.

The first paper said:

"Whoever opens this must solemnly swear to carry out the work which I have left unfinished. I have come to the conclusion that Atlantis was not only a great territory between America and the west coast of Africa and Europe, but the cradle of all our civilization as well. There has been much dispute between scientists on this matter. According to one group the tradition of Atlantis is purely fictional, founded upon fragmentary accounts of a Deluge some thousands of years before the Christian era. Others declare the tradition wholly historical, but incapable of absolute proof.

"In the included material records, notes and explanations are to be found, the proofs that exist in my mind of the matter. Whoever takes charge of this mission is solemnly obligated to continue my researches and to form a definite statement using as well the matter I leave with this and crediting me with my just dues in the discovery. A special fund is deposited in the Bank of France to be paid to the bearer of the enclosed receipt, and this should pay the expenses of the research. The Almighty be with this great effort.


I cannot in this limited space give all the papers - nor do I care to. But one of the most important from the narrative's standpoint read:
"When in 1873, I made the excavation of the ruins of Troy at Hissarlik and discovered in the Second City the famous 'Treasure of Priam,' I found among that treasure a peculiar bronze vase, of great size. Within it were several pieces of pottery, various small images of peculiar metal, coins of the same metal and objects made of fossilized bone. Some of these objects and the bronze vase were engraved with a sentence in Phoenician hieroglyphics. The sentence read 'From the King Chronos of Atlantis.'
You who read can imagine my excitement! Here was the first, the very first material evidence of that great continent whose legend has lived for ages throughout the world. This material I kept secret, eager to make it the basis of investigations which I felt would prove of infinitely more importance than the discovery of a hundred Troys. But first I had to finish the work in which I was engaged, and I was the more eager to do this because I felt that I was sure to find other objects which would bear directly upon the lost continent. I was rewarded for my faith as you will see in the document marked B.

"In 1883 I found the Louvre a collection of objects excavated from Tiahuanaco. And among, these I discovered pieces of pottery of exactly the same shape and material and objects of fossilized bone which reproduced line for line those which I had found in the bronze vase of the 'Treasure of Priam'!
The similarity could not be a coincidence. The shapes and decorations were too complex for that. It is beyond the range of coincidence for two artists in such widely separated locations as Central America and Crete to make two vases - I mention only one of the objects - of exactly the same shape, the same size and with curious owls' heads arranged in just the same way on each.

"The Central American vases had no Phoenician characters upon them nor writing of any sort. I hurried away to examine again my own objects and by tests and exhaustive examinations became convinced that the inscriptions had been made by other hands after the objects themselves had been manufactured.

"I secured pieces of these simulacrums from Tiahuanaco and subjected them to chemical and microscopic analysis. These tests proved conclusively that both the Central American vases and those from Troy had been made from the same peculiar clay, and I learned later, further and definitively, that this clay does not exist, either in old Phoenicia nor in Central America!

"The metal objects I had analyzed, because I could not recognize what they were made of. The metal was unlike any I had ever seen. The chemical analysis showed the material to be platinum, aluminum and copper - a combination never before found in the remains of the ancients and unknown to-day!

"Objects then, perfectly similar and having unquestionably a common source were found in such widely separated countries as these. The objects themselves are not Phoenician, Mycenaean nor Central American. What is the conclusion? That they came to both places from a common center. The inscription on my objects gave that center - It was Atlantis!

"That the objects were held in great veneration is shown from their presence among the 'Treasure of Priam' and the special receptacle that held them. Their character left no doubt that they were objects of sacred ceremonies and from the same temple. Were they the remains of a worship which had existed on Atlantis and which that great land had impressed upon colonies and countries as far apart as ancient Crete and Central America? Were these things sent out by the mother land just as Bibles are sent out to-day from Christendom - and as statutes of Isis and her altar paraphernalia were sent by Egypt to her colonies?

"This extraordinary discovery and my failing health induced me to push more rapidly my investigations. I found in the Museum at St. Petersburg one of the oldest papyrus rolls in existence. It was written in the reign of Pharaoh Sent, of the Second Dynasty, or 4,571 years B. C. It contains a description of how the Pharaoh sent out an expedition 'to the West' in search of traces of the 'Land of Atlantis,' whence '3,350 years ago the ancestors of the Egyptians arrived carrying with themselves all the wisdoms of their native lands.' The expedition returned after five years with the report that they had found neither people nor objects which could give them a clue as to the vanished land. Another papyrus, in the same museum, written by Manetho, the Egyptian historian, gives a reference of a period of '13,900 years as the reign of the sages of Atlantis.' The papyrus places this at the very beginning of Egyptian history; it approximates 16,000 years ago.

"An inscription which I excavated at the Lion Gate at Mycenae in Crete recites that Misor, from whom, according to the inscription, the Egyptians were descended, was the child of Taaut or Thoth, the God of History, and that Taaut was the emigrated son of a 'priest of Atlantis, who having fallen in love with a daughter of King Chronos, escaped and landed after many wanderings in Egypt.' He built the first temple at Sais and there taught the wisdom of his native land. This full inscription is most important, and I have kept it secret. You will find it among the papers marked D."

I cannot go further here into more than a small part of the enormous mass of evidence, and it is material evidence of this continent of Atlantis that my grandfather had collected. I must pass to the end of this remarkable document:

"One of the tables of my Trojan excavation gives also a medical treatise of the Egyptian priests--for there was communication between Crete and Egypt for many centuries--for the removal of cataract from the eye and ulcer from the intestines by means of surgery. I have read almost a similar formula in a Spanish manuscript in Berlin whose writer took it from an Aztec priest in Mexico. That priest had gotten it from an ancient Mayan manuscript.

"In coming to my conclusion I must say that neither the Egyptians nor the Mayan race that made the civilization of Central America before the Aztecs were great navigators. They had no ships to cross the Atlantic. Nor did they. We can dismiss the agency of the Phoenicians as a real link between the hemispheres. Yet the similarity of Egyptian and Mayan life and civilization is so perfect that it is impossible to think of it as an accident. We find no such accidents in nature or history. The only possibility is that there was, as the legend says, a great continent that connected what we now call the New World with what we call the old. Perhaps at this time what there was of Europe and America was populated with monsters. Africa possibly had a monkey-like negro race. Man in our sense had not overrun them. But there was a land where civilization as high as that we now know and perhaps higher was flourishing. Its outskirts were the edge of wilderness. It was Atlantis. From Atlantis came the colonies that settled Egypt and Central America.

I realized that I faced a serious problem indeed, despite all the astonishing evidence, greater far than any one dreams, left me by my grandfather. There were other notes and allusions to the material proofs which were in the secret safe in Paris, and besides these was the strict injunction that I should keep the matter secret until I had followed up his instructions and had finished my research.

For six years I have worked indefatigably in Egypt, in Central and South America and in all the archeological museums on the globe. I have discovered Atlantis, I have verified the existence of this great continent and the fact that from it sprang all the civilizations of historic times without a doubt.

In my research I have made a principle to retire to such a seclusion that no periodical could reach me, and no curiosity of the public could disturb me in this serious and important work. I shall pursue the same course until my book is finished. For these reasons I have avoided up to this time all notoriety, through the press and every association with any scientific expeditions. I am an individualist and will do the work in my individual way. However, I have been willing to follow the invitation of this newspaper and to reveal this secret of my illustrious grandfather and to give some of the facts which I have discovered and why I claim to be the discoverer of Atlantis. I proceed to what happened after I read Heinrich Schliemann's documents.

I at once proceeded to investigate the hidden collection in Paris. The owl headed vase was unique, of obviously extraordinarily ancient origin and on it I read the inscription in Phoenician characters: "From the King Chronos of Atlantis." I hesitated for days to break it for I still thought that the last letter of my grandfather might have been the result of a mind weakened by the approach of death. I could not see why it should be broken. It may be that he had found other vases of the kind of Hissarlik and had broken thme. He may have saved this last vase because he felt that an absolute proof of the evidence should be the possession of the one who should take up his work. I hesitate to write this because it seems to savor of pure romance. Yet it is absolute truth.

After all I broke it. I was not a little startled when out the bottom of the vase slipped a square of white, silver-like metal upon which were drawn strange figure and an inscription which were not like any hieroglyphs or writings I had ever seen. These were on the head side of the coin or medal. On the obverse side was engraved in ancient Phoenician, "Issued in the Temple of Transparent Walls." How did the metal get in the vase? I do not know. The neck was too small for its insertion, but there it was and it had been imbedded in the clay of the bottom and my grandfather had evidently known it was there.

If the vase was from Atlantis the piece must have come from it too. And yet my examination showed me that the Phoenician letters had been cut in after the object had been under the die that made the face figures. This is a mystery to me even now. But there is the evidence.

Besides this I found in the collection the other material objects which my grandfather had said came from Atlantis. One was a ring of the same peculiar metal as the coins or the medals. There was a strange looking elephant of fossilized bone, an extremely archaic vase and some other objects which I will not discuss now. The map by which the Egyptian captain had sought for Atlantis was there too. I prefer to save these other objects for my extended work--nor could I, under the instructions of my grandfather, tell of them. It is sufficient to say that no scientist can controvert them. The owl vase, the archaic vase, the bronze vase and the ring have the Phoenician inscription. The elephant and coins did not.

My grandfather had written that I should first pay attention to the ruins of the Temple of Sais and the Chucuna Valley in America. I arrived first in Egypt and started to excavate around the ruins of Sais. I worked a long time in vain. I found interesting pieces of antique ceremonial and astronomical uses, but no traces of what I wanted.

But one day, I made the acquaintance of an Egyptian hunter, who showed me a collection of old medals he had found in a sarcophagus in one of the tombs near by. Who can describe my surprise in finding among his collection two of the same design and size of the white medal I had found in the vase of Troy? The figures were not so lain of detail and the inscription was lacking, but they were undoubtedly of the same original as of mine. I procured them from the hunter and I investigated the sarcophagus. It proved to be that of a priest of the First Dynasty! One of the most ancient. But there was nothing else there of interest--to me.

Yet was I not progressing? Here was the coin in the vase of Troy, which, if my grandfather was right, came from Atlantis. And here were two of the same kind in a sarcophagus of a priest of the First Dynasty of the Temple of Sais, the temple which held the records of Atlantis and whose priest had recited them to Solon - their temple which had been founded by a son of Atlantis who had run away with a "daughter of Chronos," the name of which was on the vase of Hissarlik that held the coin! How explain?

I called to my aid two great French geological experts, and we examined the west coast of Africa at the points where my grandfather had indicated where he had believed the ancient Atlantis had touched that land. We found the whole shore here covered with volcanic action. Some distance in from the shore those evidences stopped. For many miles it was as though the volcanic action had chopped away land from the coast. Here I found an object of inestimable value to my research. It was a head of a child done in the same metal as that which formed the ring and the medals. It was imbedded in an encrustation of volcanic rock of great age. The chemical analysis showed it to be of exactly the same strange alloy I have described.

The full results of this survey I cannot go into here. They were immensely important, and they are supported by other testimony than my own.

I went to Paris and sought the owner of the Central American collection which my grandfather had alluded to. He consented that I break his owl headed vase for the purpose of investigation. I broke the vase.

And out of it slipped a medal exactly the same size and material as the three I had! The only difference was in the arrangement of the hieroglyphs!

Here there were three links: The coins in my grandfather's secret collection. The coin in the Atlantis vase. The coins in the Egyptian sarcophagus. The coin in the vase from Central America. The head from the Moroccan Coast!

I at once went to Central America, to Mexico and to Peru. I have dug up graveyards and excavated in the cities. The cemetery of the Chucuna Valley, where the ancient Chimus are buried, gave me immense material for other clues. I will say that although I found fragments of the owl-headed vases, I found no more medals there. But what I did find was just as important. These are inscriptions which will startle the world. And I found other medals at the Pyramid of Teotihuacan in Mexico of the same alloy, but with different script!

I have reasons for saying that the strange medals were used as money in Atlantis forty thousand years ago. These reasons are based not only on my own researches, but upon those of my grandfather which I have not mentioned.

The "Temple of Transparent Walls" was one of the National Treasuries of the Lost Continent. As the Atlanteans and after them the Egyptians, the Mayans and the Chimus were hieratic nations, it is natural that a temple was considered as the center and foundation of social, political life as well as the cradle of art, science, education and religion. Among the facts that I have to reveal in my book there are clear indications that of the City of the Golden Gates, as it was called, and two clear references to the Temple of Transparent Walls.

The Atlantean Temple of Transparent Walls was usually a high public place. Its operations were open for the masses. Did the words "transparent" have a symbolic meaning or did there really exist a temple with transparent walls? I do not know. However, I can prove that the Phoenicians got there knowledge of glass making from the "people who lived beyond the pillars of Hercules." It is necessary to say that the country which used the ancient medals as an equivalent of labor had a more advanced currency system than we have at present.

I pass, for lack of space, over the hieroglyphics and other evidences which I have discovered that show that the civilizations of Egypt, of Mycenae, of Central America, South America and the Mediterranean had a common origin. They will be incontrovertible". I pass on to the translation of a Maya manuscript which is part of the famous collection of Le Plongeon, the Troano manuscript. It can be seen in the British Museum. It reads:

"In the year of 6 Kan, on the 11 Muluc, in the Month Zac, there occured terrific earthquakes which continued without interruption until the 13 Chuen. The country of the hills of mud, the Land of Mu, was sacrificed. Being twice upheaved it disappeared during the night, being continually shaken by the fires of the under earth. Being confined these caused the land to sink and rise several times and in various places. At last the surface gave way, and then ten countries were torn asunder and scattered. They sank with their 64,000,000 of inhabitants 8,000 years before the writing of this book."

In the records of the old Buddhist Temple at Lhasa there is to be seen an ancient Chaldean inscription written about 2,000 years B.C. It reads:

"When the star Bal fell on the place where is now only sea and sky the Seven Cities with their Golden Gates and Transparent Temples quivered and shook like the leaves of a tree in storm. And behold a flood of fire and smoke arose from the palaces. Agony and cries of the multitude filled the air. They sought refuge in their temples and citadels. And the wise Mu, the hieratic of Ra-Mu, arose and said to them: 'Did not I predict all this?' And the women and the men in their precious stones and shining garments lamented: 'Mu, save us.' And Mu replied: 'You shall die together with your slaves and your riches and from your ashes will arise new nations. If they forget they are superior, not because of what they put on, but of what they put out, the same lot will befall them!' Flame and smoke choked the words of Mu. The land and its inhabitants were torn to pieces and swallowed by the depths in a few months."

How account for these two stories - one from Tibet, the other from Central America, each mentioning the same cataclysm and each referring to the land of Mu?

When I throw open all the facts that I have, there will be no mystery about it.

Let me now go back for a moment to that document of my grandfather which I have quoted and which was the basis of my research. After telling of the inscription which he had found in the Dome Tombs of Mycenae, he continued:

"The religion of Egypt was pre-eminently sun worship. Ra was the sun god of the Egyptians. The religion of the Mayas in Central America was the same. Ra-Na was the sun god of the ancient Peruvians.

"My long archeological studies of various nations have proven that all of them show their earliest childhood and maturity. But I have failed to find any traces of a rude and savage Egypt or a rude, barbarous Maya race. I have found both these nations mature in their very earliest period, skilful, strong and learned. I have never found a time when they lacked in ability to organize their labor nor lacking in ability to dig canals, build highways, pyramids and temples, to irrigate fields nor a time when they did not know medicine, astronomy and the principles of highly organized government. Like the Mayas the Egyptians practiced monogamy, and they built their cities and temples in the same style, exhibiting a technical knowledge and skill that remains a puzzle to the engineers of this age. Neither Egyptians nor Mayans were a black race. Both nations had slaves and an intellectual caste, but the relations between the classes were cordial and humane. Their basic principles of government were the same.

"Lepsius found the same sacred symbols in the ceremonials of the Egyptians as in the Peruvians. Le Plongeon, the great French archeologist, recovered at Chichen-Itza in Yucatan the figure of a god who was club-footed and bore in every way the attributes of the great god Thoth, of the Egyptians!

"In the Egyptian and the American pyramids the outside was covered with a thick coating of smooth and shining cement of such strength as our builders are unable to get. Humboldt considered the Pyramid of Cholula of the same type as the Temple of Jupiter at Belus.

"In both America and Egypt, the pyramids were built in the same style. I have found the pyramids on both sides of the Atlantic with their four sides pointing astronomically like the arms of the cross, in the same directions. In both the line through their centers is on the astronomical meridian. The construction in grades and steps is the same and in both cases the larger pyramids are dedicated to the sun."

What the Lost Atlantis Is Supposed to Have Been

A GREAT island in the Atlantic opposite the Mediterranean; the remnant of a mighty continent which once reached from the west coast of Africa and Europe to the shores of Central America. The ancient world had a clear tradition of it.

It was utterly destroyed in a day and a nigh by cataclysmic volcanic outbursts and sank beneath the sea with all except a few of its millions of inhabitants.

It was the region where mankind first rose from barbarism to a civilization more advanced than that of ours today.

It became in the course of hundreds of thousands of years a world-conquering nation. It colonized Egypt, the west coast of Africa and Europe, Central America, the shores of the Gulf of Mexico, the Mississippi Valley, the Pacific Coast of South America, the Mediterranean, the Baltic, the Black Sea and the Caspian. It was the cradle of civilization, and the civilization of the ancient world and our civilization today are direct shoots of the Atlantic culture.

The racial memory of Atlantis is found in the legends of the Garden of Eden of the Bible, the Garden of the Hesperides of the Greeks, the Asgard of the Scandinavians, the Tir n'Og of the Celts and in all the legends of a wonderful, mysterious land in which dwelt gods or godlike mortals.

The stories of the Deluge, versions of which are found in the traditions of almost every ancient and modern race, are simply the memory of the stupendous catastrophe which wiped out Atlantis, the tale of which was carried by those who escaped to all the lost land's colonies--and these represented all the civilization of the world at that time.

In the same way the escape of some of the Atlanteans over a narrow land bridge, which connected Atlantis with what is now Brittany, survives in the legends of the Rainbow Bridge Perilous with the razor edge which the Scandinavians believed was the only road to Asgard, the dwelling place of the gods, in the famous Hell's Causeway of the religious books of the Middle Ages and in similar legends of the Hindoos, the Mayans and the Turanians.

The gods and goddesses of the ancient Greeks, the Phoenicians, Hindus and Scandinavians were simply the Kings, Queens and heroes of Atlantis, and the acts attributed to them in mythology are a confused recollection of real historical events.

The religions of Egypt, Peru and that of the Mayans, the vanished race that built the buried cities of Central America, and upon the wrecks of whose civilization the Aztecs built their empire, were the original religion of Atlantis.

The oldest colony formed by Atlantis was Egypt, whose civilization was a provincial reproduction of that of the mother country. The next oldest were those of Peru and Central America.

The Phoenician alphabet, parent of all the European alphabets, was derived from and Atlantis alphabet, which was also conveyed from Atlantis to the Mayans. The symbols and hieroglyphics of both Egypt and the Mayans came from the same source, and so is explained their similarity, to great to be accidental.

Atlantis was the original site of the Indo-European family of nations, as well as the Semitic and possibly the Turanian.

The Atlanteans had full knowledge of electricity, steam and other natural forces. They had also airplanes, power ships and explosives. They were prodigious engineers and the first workers of iron. They used gold and silver and a vanished precious metal known as orichalcum in enormous quantities for ornamentation.
Who Dr. Heinrich Schliemann Was and the Treasures He Found

Heinrich Schliemann whose work was to give a new impetus to the study of Greek origins and to be the beginning of the revelation of an unknown world of ancient days, was born at Neu-Bucknow, Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Germany, on January 6, 1822. He was the son of a country minister. When he was barely seven years old, he received a child's history of the world in which the picture of the destruction of Troy made a profound impression on him. At that age he vowed to search those sites when "he was rich." By the time he was ten he had produced a prize-winning essay on the Trojan War.

But his father was poor, and Schliemann, for all his dreams, had to work prosaically. In St. Petersburg, during the Crimean War, he married secretly a Russian noblewoman. Through her he became a buying agent of the Russian army and made a fortune. In 1850 he was forced to leave Russia, came to America, went to California and became an American citizen. He made a second fortune in America, and in 1868 started to Greece to fulfil his ambitions.

Brilliant beyond any other archaeologist of his time, and filled with curious intuitions that ran counter to current beliefs and which were uncanny in their accuracy, he met with instant success. One of his learned compeers has said of him that "If it did not seem so absurd, one might say that Schliemann is an incarnation of some ancient Mycenaean, and remembers just where to look." At any rate he began to cut the soil from Hissarilk in 1870, and in 1873 he discovered the "Great Treasure of Priam." It has always been said that Schliemann did not reveal all of this treasure, and this wonderful story of his grandson confirms this.

Schliemann started at the virgin soil, and of course, the first city he found was the oldest. It was in the second city that he fond the treasure. This city he though was ancient Troy. But above this were the remains of seven other cities.

It was afterward proven that the sixth, city above the second was really ancient Troy! The second city was immensely more ancient, and very conservatively, its destruction may be placed at 20,000 B. C.! It had been a very great city, with Cyclopean architecture and a high grade of civilization. All this is immensely important in view of the announcement of the "Chronos of Atlantis" vase found there. The priests of Sais told Solon that Atlantis had been destroyed 9,000 years before their conversation. This would seem to prove that the second city of Schliemann was actually the metropolis of an Atlantean colony, and that the mother country was still existing at the time the Treasure was placed in the second city!

A dispute with the Turkish Government over the Treasure stopped his Hissarlik work, and he turned his attention to Mycenae, on the Island of Crete, the historic capital of Agamemnon of the Iliad. He excavated the wonderful Lion Gate, the famous Shaft Tombs and Dome Tombs, but not till now has the news of the Atlantean inscription he found in the Dome Tombs been made public. He found, too, in the Shaft Tombs the most remarkable hoard of treasure that ever greeted the eye of a discoverer.

In them was gold in profusion. It was beaten into face masks and wrought into hundreds of articles.

It can be said that in this treasure were other vastly more precious objects having a direct bearing upon Atlantis, which Dr. Schliemann kept secret, as he had his discoveries in the second city. What these were will be told in due time by his grandson.

The other extraordinary discoveries of Dr. Schliemann in Crete can be found in the records. In 1890 he died.

This brief sketch is necessary to explain how great and authority and discoverer was the man whose grandson speaks in these pages, and to show upon what real foundations this article, whose astonishing claims are bound to raise some incredulity, is based.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Massive Stone Pyramids of Mesoamerica - ROBERT SEPEHR

The Mesoamerican fascination with, and knowledge of, math and astronomy shines when examining the details of its architecture. The Pyramid of Kukulkan is the central pyramid of Chich’en Itza. Each of the four sides has ninety-one steps ascending it, 364 steps total, with the temple topping the pyramid considered an addition step totaling 365, each step representing a day in the calendar. The pyramid's nine stages, bisected by a staircase on each side, represent the eighteen months of the Mayan Calendar year.
Uxmal, meaning “built three times” in the Mayan language, is one of the best preserved Pre-Columbian sites in Mexico. The most recognizable and tallest structure at 115 feet is the Pyramid of the Magician.
Coba in Mexico was a large ancient Maya city that was home to about 50,000 inhabitants at its peak. Coba contains several large temple pyramids, the tallest, the Nohoch Mul pyramid is about 42 meters (138 ft) high. Today only a small portion of the site has been cleared from the jungle and restored by archaeologists.
The spectacular Pyramid of the Sun located at the Teotihuacan complex near Mexico City, Mexico.
The magnificent Pyramid of the Moon, as seen from the Pyramid of the Sun, at Teotihuacán near Mexico City.
Teotihuacan pyramid complex in central México from 18,000 feet up in the air.


Xunantunich frieze, more than nine feet high and 30 feet long, features a three-dimensional figure of a Maya ruler. Xunantunich was a thriving city of at least 10,000 inhabitants.
Pyramid of Niches, El Tajin, Northern Mexico.
Maya pyramid-temples soar above the jungle at Tikal, Guatemala
Tikal, Guatemala
Calakmul in the Mexican state of Campeche not far from the Guatemalan border.

Ancient Megalithic Pyramid Complex Located in Ecuador

For centuries the people of Ecuador have shared wild sounding stories of legendary ancient cities supposedly lost to the jungles. Many of these stories are based around the reasonable hypothesis that a number of Inca settlements have been swallowed up by the expansion of jungle areas, and the stories are kept alive by the tantalizing prospect of large amounts of gold hidden in these few urbanized areas that did not fall to Spanish hands. We can say for certain that unlike Peru, it seems Ecuador has not had many recognized finds of significant ancient urban settlements.

Many local legends claim there was once a civilization here that was known for the giant size of its people. The idea of lost cities of giants in the jungle has until present remained largely a matter of myth and legend with only some solid evidence to support it as possible fact. Most notably are the finds consisting of bones here that are from humans of extreme height, well over two meters tall in some cases.

It would seem now that these legends are at least somewhat based in fact. The total size of the complex located is uncertain.  A layer of soil has built up and covered structures at the site and then tropical foliage has taken root making buildings indistinguishable from the background of jungle plants. By good fortune, a landslide induced either by heavy rain or by an earthquake brought down all of the material covering one side of a large pyramidal structure.
One witness we interviewed projected that the approximate size would be around 80 meters square at the base with steep inclined walls rising to about 80 meters in height.
He noted several nearby ‘hills’ of equal proportions, which appear to follow astronomical alignment, and assumes these are all pyramids.
The second witness, a scientist, estimates that the large megalithic stone blocks making up the structure are each around two tones in weight; many hundreds of such blocks make up the pyramid. The blocks are cut into irregular shapes and sizes, cleverly interlocked, and possibly cemented into place.

The pyramid is not the only interesting find at the location as many artefacts were strewn around, including a number of stone tools, seemingly types of hammers. There was also ceramic and pottery, as well as various other shaped stones and strange objects.

What points towards this habitation having possibly housed a race of giants is the presence of extremely oversized hammers, or at least the stone hammerheads.  Many of these objects appeared to be stone tools that could have been used either in mining or refining some kind of metal ore.
Assuming these were attached to hard wood handles they would be of both incredible size and weight, making their use as tools impractical for a typical Inca or indigenous Indian, these being generally slight built people of around  five foot or so.
What known civilization on Earth would make hammers like this and use them as a real tools?  Keep in mind that any work would be done in the incredible heat and humidity of the Amazon jungle. How long could anyone swing such a thing before collapsing from heat exhaustion? 
These oversized artefacts don't seem to fit with anything known in Inca archaeology, and in fact there is simply nothing like it in the Ecuadorian museum of cultural history, located in Quito, that would suggest any of the known civilizations of this region. 
This has contributed to the  strong prevailing suspicion that this is one of the legendary lost cities of the giants, well known in local Ecuadorian legends about the Amazon.

Friday, April 25, 2014

The Dogon Legends of West Africa - ROBERT SEPEHR

Located in Mali West Africa, the Dogon have a rich culture dating to around 3200 BCE, and are believed to be a hybrid ethnic group descended from a mixing of the ancient Egyptians of North Africa with various other sub-Saharan tribal populations.

Deeply rooted traditions of the Dogon people speak of the Nommos who visited from a companion star to Sirius. The Nommos are known as advanced beings who have also appeared in numerous related myths found in the Sumerian and other Mesopotamian cultures.

Sirius' companion star has a 50 year elliptical orbit and is not visible to the naked eye. According to some research, modern astronomers did not know the companion star existed until the Dogon myth was discovered. They tell us how the Nommos shared the knowledge of Sirius with them and left behind several artifacts. One artifact depicting the Sirius constellation carbon dates to 400 years ago, a little over 230 years before astronomers suspected the existence of the companion star.

The Dogon people were first documented over a several year study performed by anthropologist Marcel Griaule. In his research notes we find conversations between Griaule and a Dogon elder named Ogotemmeli, who speaks of multiple companion stars in the Sirius system.

There are entries suggesting the Nommos visited on a very large star ship on several occasions, and the notes also indicate Dogon people knew of Saturn's rings, and the many moons of Jupiter.

Every 60 years Dogon people celebrate the cycle of Sirius A and B which rises further questions considering Sirius B's 50 year cycle.

Dogon mysteries mention another star in the system, which would be called Sirius C if confirmed by modern telescopes. Nommos are believed to inhabit a planet orbiting Sirius C though mainstream science does not consider the Sirius constellation to be a prime candidate for life.

Credo Mutwa, the 94-year-old Zulu shaman or "sanusi" in South Africa, claims that this picture he had painted of tall, blond-haired, blue-eyed beings had been seen by black African tribes people throughout that continent long before the white Europeans arrived. Credo, the official historian of the Zulu nation, said that when the Europeans first came, the black Africans thought they were the return of these same white "gods", which they called the Mzungu (see his paintings below). As a result they called the European settlers by the same name, which is still used today.

This was very much the same reaction as the Central American peoples when Cortes and his Spanish invasion party arrived in 1519 and they thought that he was the returning god, Quetzalcoatl, another god described as tall, bearded, and with piercing blue eyes.

The Feathered Serpent God appears in many ancient cultures and Mesoamerican legends. He was called Viracocha by the Incas, Kukulkan by the Mayas, Quetzalcoatl by the Aztecs, Gucumatz in Central America, Votan in Palenque and Zamna in Izamal. He and his ‘men’ were usually described as being bearded with white skin, and deep blue eyes.